Game boards are a colourful reminder of times when entertainment was of a simple nature and allowed for individual expression in decoration. For centuries, gaming boards were built from wood with colourful hand painted designs to suit each particular game.
Original boards are now collector’s items and keenly sought after around the world, and have featured in art gallery presentations and serious collections. Grouped together or displayed singly they definitely have a place in todays homes and work spaces.
Our reproductions are larger than the originals and are primarily intended as eye catching wall hangings. They are produced by hand, stitching colourful fabric together in the manner of a patchwork quilt, following the original patterns and colours. They can be simply hung or framed as preferred.
Our initial offering, is a handmade reproduction of a 19th century Whaling Game Board in period patchwork, full of history and character. It measures 1000mm x 1000mm or 39” x 39” and is designed primarily as a colourful conversation piece for the wall, with a maritime touch.
The actual game played on the original was Parcheesi – a very popular game at the time, to help while away the hours in the company of friends or fellow sailors. The quilted finish protects the handwork.